this News page was last updated on May 17, 2024

Oak Hills Estates News

click on any link at the right to go to that news item

Annual Meeting and General Election
Selrocco Drive Maintenance
Mountain Lion and Bear Sightings
Weed Abatement
Trash Cans
Off-Roading / Fire Safety
Gate Access and Codes
Email Notification
Community Compliance Reminder

Security Cameras












Selrocco Drive Maintenance

The HOA Board has been meeting with the City of Calimesa to try and resolve the road maintenance of Selrocco Drive, the sole entrance road to Oak Hills. In early 2016, the City of Calimesa finally contracted to repair a large and dangerous road failure, but they still have not taken on the ongoing road maintenance, as they promised. Selrocco Drive is a public access road, but the City never officially accepted this road into the public road maintenance system, even though they said in writing that they would do this in 1993 - 1994 after the roads within Oak Hills were privatized. Before the road privatization within Oak Hills, Lots 2 and 3 were let out of the HOA at the request of the City because they were located outside of the gate, and would not get reasonable benefit from membership. The City said that they would take on maintenance of Selrocco Drive outside the gate when this was done, but never did. Since the City didn't follow through, Lots 1 - 3 are still bound by the original Road Maintenance agreement, and both the County of Riverside and the City of Calimesa maintain that it is the responsibility of all the adjacent property owners outside of Oak Hills Estates to repair and maintain the road, which is deteriorating at a rapid rate. Please attend the HOA monthly meetings for more information. We encourage all Oak Hills Estates Owners to attend City Council meetings and continue to bring up this problem that they are choosing to ignore.


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2024 Annual Meeting and General Election

The Annual Meeting was held on May 16, 2024 at 6:30 pm at the Stuart residence (Lot 19, 37885 Marondi Drive). Thanks to Linda Dugdale and Brad Westwood for tallying your votes. We had a 66% return rate for a valid election, and you elected Ben Clough, Deb Davidson, Donald Graham and Fred Lloyd for another 2 year term. Board member Bob Schafer has resigned from the Board for personal reasons, and the Board unanimously voted that Diane Stuart fill that empty position. We are very grateful to Bob for all of his many years of Board service, and glad that Diane will be able to continue with her outstanding service to our community.

Your Board will serve for the next year in the following offices:

President: Diane Stuart
Vice President: Doug Carlson
Secretary/Treasurer: Deb Davidson

Mark Cruz
Ben Clough
Donald Graham

Fred Lloyd

Architectural Committee:
Ben Clough
Fred Lloyd (Chair)
Diane Stuart

Financial Review Subcommittee:
Diane Stuart
Fred Lloyd

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Weed Abatement

Please clear the weeds and brush ten feet back from everyplace that your property borders the road. This is not only to keep our neighborhood looking nice, but is essential for fire safety. Your Homeowners Association provides quarterly weed abatement checks at the beginning of January, April, July, and October to ensure that our community is as fire-safe as possible. If your weeds are not cleared, we will have the work done and you will be billed. We do our best to obtain a reasonable rate for this service, but the Association must hire a licensed and insured contractor, so your own hiring costs may be better. The City of Calimesa requires that brush is cleared 100 feet from your home for the safety of your residence and the people in it.

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We have had several problems reported because of trashcans left out in the street after pickup. Our streets are not very wide, and trashcans in the street can be a driving hazard, especially with so many blind curves. Please put your trashcans out for pickup as late as possible to prevent wildlife from foraging, and bring them back and store them out of sight as soon as possible after they are emptied. Your neighbors will appreciate your diligence.

If you're going on vacation and won't be here to bring your trashcans back in, please ask a friend or neighbor to take care of it. If you can't find anyone to help, just contact any of the board members, and we'll take care of it for you.

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Off-Roading / Fire Safety

Several Owners have raised concerns to the Board about off-roaders in our community. While some of the off-roaders sneak in from outside our neighborhood, many are from our community. Please do not give our gate code to outside riders, and be aware that you need specific written permission if you are driving on the property of others. Also, sparks can easily come off of your vehicle, and if it is determined that a wildfire was caused (even unintentionally) by your vehicle, then you can be held financially liable for the huge cost of putting it out. Fire season is always upon us… keep away from any weed growth, and be SAFE, including wearing a helmet!

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Gate Access and Codes

The gate codes have been updated as part of our normal security protocol. The new codes were provided in your January statement. The old codes expired on Febuary 15, 2024, so make sure to provide the new codes to gardeners, cleaners, pool maintenance, and anyone who needs the code for regular access to your property.

The Board has adopted a rule where we will not allow the gates to be left open for party and event access. This is for the security of you and your neighbors, as the open gates are an invitation to the uninvited. We will also be changing the gate access code more frequently to help secure our community from unfriendly intrusions.

A temporary code can be given to your invited guests. Household workers, construction crews, and others can also have a unique, temporary access code. Access logs can then be matched to the security camera footage as required to assist law enforcement.

Please do not put your neighbors at risk... do not share the gate access codes unnecessarily!

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Bear and Mountain Lion Sightings - Be Careful!

Occasional mountain lion sightings have been verified in our community, and bear sightings are normal every year. Be careful when walking alone, and don't leave pets and small children outside unattended. If you see a mountain lion, DO NOT RUN, but make noise, wave your arms and try to look as large as possible. It is better to walk and be outdoors in groups.

These bears have been frequenting the neighborhood we share. Some bears are very comfortable and are not easily scared off. Please make sure that your trash is not accessible, that your doors and windows are not left open, and the your home does not become a feeding ground. Once a bear becomes a nuisance, that bear does not have much of a future for a happy, normal life.

Black bears are normally sighted around the neighborhood in spring and summer. Mountains lions are less common, but they have been spotted by several people in our neighborhood. Keep your trash cans secure so that you don't provide an opportunity for a wildlife banquet. Bears are generally not a threat to humans, but mountain lions can be. If you see a mountain lion, 1) DO NOT RUN, 2) wave your arms and try to look large, and 3) make loud noises to try and scare it off. If you look large, loud, and unafraid, you won't look like such an appealing meal. Running will trigger their hunting reflexes, and they run much faster than you can.

Please DO NOT FEED bears, coyotes or other large wild animals. It is not healthy for them, or good for your neighbors. Increased predation of pets and other scavanging will occur when large animals are lured from their normal food patterns with an easy meal.


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Email Notification

Want to be on the Oak Hills email notification list? Complete this form and scan+email to treasurer@oakhillsestates.com or mail it to PO Box 998, Calimesa CA 92320. You will need to reply to the email to verify your address before it can be added to the list. We'll send you a community email notification when there is something you need to know. Your email address and other information will not be shared with anyone else.


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Community Compliance Reminder

All Association members of Oak Hills Estates need to comply with the CC&Rs (Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions) and Architectural Standards. If you are planning any major remodeling, building, or grading that requires submission of plans to the City for approval, your plans must also be submitted to the Architectural Committee to ensure that your changes conform to the CC&Rs BEFORE you start building. Contact the Architectural Committee to make arrangements to submit your plans. Your neighbors will appreciate your compliance! Note that even if a city permit or approval is not required, all howmeowners are still required to comply with the CC&Rs and Architctural Standards. If you have any questions, just contact any board member, or come to a monthly meeting... we'll be happy to clarify anything.

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Security Cameras

The surveillance cameras at the gate provide better security and assist law enforcement in convicting criminals. Gate images can be provided to assist law enforcement in determining who entered our community, including vehicle images, license plates, and facial images. If you have an incident and need to review the camera footage, please contact any board member with the date and time range you would like to review. Please note that it is the Board policy that camera images be shared directly with law enforcement, so make sure to make a police report and provide the information with your request. Click here for more information about our gate access and security cameras.

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