If you have an emergency, call 911 from your telephone.
The non-emergency phone number for the Sheriff at Cabazon Station is 800
950-2444 or 951 776-1099, press option 5 (M-F from 8am to 5pm).
The Sheriff Dispatch phone number is 951 922-7100.
The phone number for Citizen's Patrol is 909 795-0054.
The phone number for Fire Station 21 in Calimesa is 909 795-1010.
An electronic gate restricts access to the community. Security access codes are provided to members of the Association, and remote control gate openers are available at our cost.
Pedestrian guests need to make arrangements with a resident to pick them up in a vehicle to pass through the gates. There is no handicapped or pedestrian access through the main gate in order to comply with current California law, and there is no reasonable way to add one.
The gates will not be left open for parties or special event access. This helps ensure the safety and security of our community; open gates can be an invitation to criminals as well as invited guests.
Gate codes are usually changed at least once a year, and may be changed more frequently if necessary. Police and fire officials have an emergency access code that is also changed on an as-needed basis. There is a daytime code for limited access between 5:00 am and 7:00 pm, and a separate 24 hour code for residents. Temporary gate codes can be set up for your special event access, and additional codes that are restricted to certain hours of the day for worker access are available. Please email your request for a special access code two weeks in advance of your event, or contact any board member for more details. Please check the News page on your monthly statement or contact us for the codes and only provide it to those who need regular access to your property.
Oak Hills uses security cameras to to encourage safety and assist with law enforcement. Images are sent to remote storage for security. If you have had an incident or theft, please make a police report and provide the information to a Board Member with the date and time range. We will review the camera images and provide relevant findings to law enforcement. The community is regularly patrolled by the City of Calimesa Citizen's Patrol and Police Department.